Tashi Delek, sangha family!
The Summer retreat has now Concluded as of the 20th of August. Thank you for joining us; after a short intermission, we will resume with the Fall Retreat as usual.
Welcome to the Fall Retreat at the Buddhist Institute. Pull up a cushion or Zoom in today at 10 AM as Geshe-la continues guiding us one step at a time or “slow by slow” (Tibetan: Ghali-Ghali) through The Foundation of All Good Qualities by Je Tsonkapa. You can find more retreat details, including the Zoom link to attend below.
The Fall Retreat will be held every Saturday at 10 AM from September 24, 2022, to November 12, 2022.
Click the link below to join us on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 818 8087 8411
**PLEASE NOTE** The Zoom link to attend will remain the same for the entire retreat. Would you kindly keep a copy of the link handy or save this email? Should you lose the Zoom link, please email us at info@universalcompassion.org
**Thank you.**
We look forward to seeing you soon!